Getting started with Genomics/Bioinformatics* at your own pace


A previous colleague of mine recently asked me on how I got started learning Bioinformatics. Though the majority of learning happened on the job, I put in quite a lot of evenings early on to get into the domain, and most importantly the vocabulary so that I could communicate well within the team. For the astute readers, please be noted that the term Genomics and/or Bioinformatics is used very loosely in this context, so as to encourage beginner participation rather than the absolute correctness.

During the early days, I took a bunch of online courses and also read a couple of beginner friendly books. I didn't do a very good job writing it down back then, but here's a couple of them off the top of my head.

I'm hoping this will be somewhat useful for an absolute beginner looking to get into this domain.


Online Courses